Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

This year my little guy was Batman! He had a blast trick or treating around the neighborhood. He got a lot of candy for mommy and daddy! We went around a few blocks and Luke got most of his bucket filled! This year my little sister and my bestie joined us for trick or treating. Such a fun night seeing all the little kids running around in their cute costumes. Now I'll sit back and enjoy some snickers cuddled up with the hubby on the couch! 
Ready to fill his bucket!
My little sis as a vampire
Auntie Sel joined us for trick-or-treating!
My little super hero!
First house!
My loves getting candy!
My handsome batman! 
Love my hubby!
Ready for bed! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Fun 2013

I look forward to the Pumpkin Patch every year! When we went last year Luke was only 3 little months old! This year he is about to be a big brother! It was so much fun watching him run around picking pumpkins and enjoying fall just as much as I do. I'm completely obsessed with fall: pumpkins, cooler weather, boots, scarves, candy! Love it! It's a the perfect transition to Christmas time. And to top it off we are only a few weeks from meeting Noah! Can't wait to see what our next years Pumpkin Patch adventure will look like with my 2 boys, well 3 if you count Fred! Feeling very blessed and thankful to the Lord for his goodness, his promises and his amazing love towards us!

Riding through the farm in a tractor.
Silly guy loved sitting on this pumpkin!
We picked our pumpkins!
Texas is beautiful Ya'll

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Lettter to My Firstborn

Dear Firstborn,

To say you have changed my life is an understatement. You've changed my heart, my spirit, my body, my view of life. I am a completely different person because of you and can confidently say you've also made me a better person.

Because of you I've realized I'm stronger than I thought I was and my need for God is greater than I have ever known. He's used you to show me patience, selflessness and a motherly unconditional love I didn't know I had. You've taught me to slow down and cherish the little moments.

You were the first one to literally give me butterflies from the inside as I felt your tiny body move inside of me. You were the first one to use my belly as your hiding nesting place and the first to hear the beat of my heart from the inside. I knew I loved you before I met you.

As my first born I held you fresh out my womb and I knew you were all mine. You made me a mommy. I stared at you in amazement and you looked just like daddy. I couldn't believe that you grew inside of me! I held you and fed you and I knew I'd rather give my life before I'd let you get hurt.

You introduced me to the life of motherhood with no instructions. You allowed me to explore all the foreign concepts of being a mommy. More than half of the time I didn't know what I was doing and I still feel that way, but you don't seem to mind and you're the only one that I don't feel judged by.

I watch you grow and it still amazes me today how someone so precious and beautiful came out of me. It feels like just yesterday that I used to watch you lay there all cuddled up as you slept. Now I watch you run and play and roll around like a little boy!

In a few weeks my eyes will no longer just be on you but you and your little brother! I know you didn't have a say and really had no choice. You may not like it right away but I know with time you'll come around.

Some days you might have to wait a little longer for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You may want to be held right away but mommy's arms will be full. Some days I might have less patience than others and I'm positive some days I might break down and join the two of you for a cry.

But soon enough the three of us will be laughing and playing and I'll take you boys to the park and you'll get to have a partner in crime! You'll teach your brother how to swing and climb and soon enough you'll be the best of friends. Together you'll learn to share, fight and forgive.

I promise my dear firstborn that I will always sneak in an extra kiss for you when I hold your baby brother. I promise I'll try to get to you as soon as I possibly can though it may not be soon enough for you sometimes. I promise that some days we'll make daddy watch baby brother and me and you will go on an adventure just the two of us!

I know our life's are changing for the better with the coming of your brother and I am so blessed that I get to have you by my side through this. You'll always be my first and my oldest, my little punkin, my sunshine, my Luke. I love you baby boy.